3 Kinds Of Custom Stonework To Add To Your Backyard
One way to beautify your backyard, is to add some custom stonework. There are so many awesome features that you can incorporate using stone, and hiring a professional ensures that it looks amazing and functions well for many years to come. Here are three kinds of custom stonework to add to your backyard.

One awesome piece of custom stonework to add to your backyard is an outdoor fireplace. This style of fireplace incorporates a lot of stonework to create the fireplace itself, as well as the mantle that goes all the way around it. You can choose from so many stone options that differ in size, shape, color, etc., thus allowing you to personalize your fireplace to make it look exactly how you want it to.
Outdoor Kitchen
Another cool feature to add is an outdoor kitchen. You can incorporate stone into your flooring, your counters, or even the entire structure that surrounds your kitchen. You can mix it up by using a variety of stone types throughout these different areas, or you can make it more streamline and use the same kind of stone throughout.
Fire Pit
Using stonework to create a fire pit is an excellent idea because it allows you to incorporate stone in a highly functional way. You can use the stone to create the base of the fire pit, as well as the surrounding flooring, benches, etc. This helps you to create a fire pit that not only works well, but also looks incredible.
Retaining Wall
Lastly, you can use stone to create a retaining well. This is often a necessary feature in a lot of backyards, and using stone for it is a great option. The stone is incredibly strong and resistant to weathering, so it does an excellent job of creating a strong wall for your backyard.
To learn more about custom stonework to add to your backyard, or to hire a professional to come and do your stonework today, visit us at Buildometry.